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Info About Nepal

In Nepal, the Nepalese’s agriculture is based on the interdependence of crops, livestock, and forest resources. Ruminants such as cows, buffalo, oxen, yaks, sheep and goats are normally found up in the hill and mountain regions of Nepal and produce 28% of the agricultural GDP for milk, meat and hide products (Joshi, 1992).  The livestock listed above are some of the main resources of protein for the Nepalese through their milk and milk products in Nepal. This resource is a big contributor to cash income for some Nepalese families (Joshi, 1992). Meaning if family’s bovines or ruminants contract a source of mastitis (an infection that causes inflammation to the mammary glands within the udder that can be contagious within a herd (Mastitis in Beef Cows, 2015)), it can cause loss of income to some families. Research was conducted in Nepal in 1992, where they tested for sub-clinical mastitis in 19 cows and 40 buffalo. 31.57% of the cows and 40.00% of the buffalo were infected with subclinical mastitis (Tiwari, Joshi & Singh, 2011). With numbers this high, in comparison to Canada, the best way to solve this problem is sending California Mastitis Testing kits to Nepal for their bovine and other ruminants.

 water buffalo for draft power and milk. [Photograph]. (2005). Retrieved from










Milking cow. [Photograph]. (2012). Retrieved from

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